Location: Plot 322 Odusami Street, behind Excellence Hotel, Ogba, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria

 Hours: Mon- Fri 8:00am - 5:00pm

 Tel: +234 (0) 809 475 6429

Haggai Insurance Brokers

We provide optimal and tailored insurance solutions so that you can focus on growing your small, medium or large business.

General Insurance

At Haggai, We provide a comprehensive range of general insurance products for the following areas:

  1. Fire and Special Perils
  2. Consequential Loss
  3. Burglary/House-breaking
  4. Group Personal Accident
  5. Fidelity Guarantee
  6. Motor
  7. Professional Indemnity
  8. Marine Cargo
  9. Marine Hull
  10. Money Insurance
  11. Goods-In-Transit
  12. Contractors All Risks
  13. Plant All Risks
  14. Machinery Breakdown
  15. Workmen’s Compensation
  16. Public Products Liability
  17. Special Risks
  18. Aviation
  19. Oil and Gas
  20. Agricultural Insurance

Life Insurance

At Haggai, We provide a comprehensive range of Life Insurance and Pensions products for the following areas:

  1. Life Insurance
  2. Health Insurance
  3. Pensions Consultancy
  4. Group Life Insurance
  5. Annuities

Contact Haggai Insurance Brokers

     Contact Us
  • Plot 322 Odusami Street,
    behind Excellence Hotel, Ogba, Ikeja, Lagos.

  •  Telephone
    +234 (0) 809 475 6429
    +234 (0) 803 346 8279
  • insurance
    & logistics


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